Saturday, March 24, 2012

Monster Carnival


Back around 2008, new islands didn't come as often as they do today. So, whenever early Poptropicans opened up the map to travel to a different island, something piqued interest. Two new islands appeared, promising their release. We now know Time Tangled Island as the place to go to get from 328 BC to 1960 AD thanks to Pendulum's invention. But, none of us were ever acquainted with the elusive Monster Carnival simply because it was never released. We'll dive into the mystery of Monster Carnival--an island lost forever.

  A new addition to Poptropica as of about 2010, the Sneak Peeks section of Daily Pop featured looks at upcoming islands. One day, a post with a crude sketch of a carnival and ring leader popped up. The image was called the Wayback Machine, and led many to believe that this information could have been a key to discovering what had happened to MCI. But, alas, many knew the real reason it never launched was because it wasn't ever finished. The project was shelved, and despite petitions, the creators have no intent on bringing it back.

 During the anticipated release of the island, though, certain clothing items were leaked through Common Rooms. Some players had access to customize these items, but due to the creators fixing the bug most of them lost their items. Few players who hadn't logged in during that time managed to keep their unique items, making them long coveted despite the fact that nobody else can customize with them. Some of those wearables include wings, spikes, a tail, and something that you can still find today--a brain hat. It seems that this leak is still available to all players. All you do is fly over to Nabooti Island and access your cellphone. Type in "411" and press the green calling button. The hair on your avatar's head turns into a glass container with a brain floating inside--creepy, but cool.

 Hopefully in the future, the Creators of Poptropica will release more information pertaining to their lost world--a world that has left players wondering "what if?" for years.


Hello, and welcome to The Old Poptropican. Here you'll find plenty of information about Poptropica from its humble beginnings to today's times. There will also be Island Reviews and Poptropica's Best Kept Secrets and Tips. I hope you'll stick around for the fun to come!